In the vast landscape of podcasts, one recently launched space stands out for its courageous and relevant approach. Palabras Negras, an anti-racist podcast from Afro-descendant voices in Ecuador, emerges as a beacon of resistance and consciousness in a sea of entertainment content and trivia.

This new podcast is more than just a series of discussions about racism. Black Words is a statement of resistance, a cry against injustice and a crucial tool in the struggle for racial equality. The creators of this space are brave and dare to face the most difficult issues, those that many others would avoid.

In the framework of the commemoration of the International Day of Black, Afro-Latina, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women, a sound space is born that seeks to resonate in the anti-racist struggle: Palabras Negras (Black Words). This Ecuadorian podcast, in its inaugural episode, addresses the topic of Black Women, Racism and Literature.

Since 1992, every July 25, tribute is paid to the struggles, demands and contributions of black and Afro-descendant women in their tireless fight against racial discrimination, sexism, poverty and marginalization. A day that has become a banner for resistance and the struggle for equality.

In Ecuador, this day celebrates its first anniversary of official recognition. To commemorate it, Palabras Negras has invited Yuliana Ortiz Ruano, Afro-Smeraldean poet and writer. With her pen, YULIANA rescues from oblivion the memories, struggles and resistances of black women, drawing a bridge between the past and the present through literature.

✨ Tune in for the first episode of #PalabrasNegras! And join them in this conversation that brings with it the reflections of one of the most powerful voices of Ecuadorian literature and the Afro-Smeraldean people.

Why do we need “Black Words” today: The importance of anti-racist narratives?

Racism is a deep-rooted, persistent and pernicious evil that continues to cast a shadow over our modern societies. It is like a disease that corrodes and disintegrates the social fabric, feeding inequalities and producing deep divisions. The emergence of ‘Palabras Negras’, an anti-racist podcast space from Afro-descendant voices in Ecuador, is a significant step in the fight against this evil. But why are such anti-racist narratives so crucial today?

To understand the importance of‘Palabras Negras‘, it is necessary to take into account the historical and socio-cultural context that has marked the Afro-descendant experience.

Why should you tune in to “Black Words”: The benefits of listening to anti-racist podcasts?

Systemic racism is a challenging and painful problem that affects many societies around the world, and Ecuador is no exception. In this context, ‘Palabras Negras’ arises, an innovative podcast that aims to address and dismantle these racist structures from the perspective of Afro-descendant voices.

Although ‘Palabras Negras’ is framed in the Ecuadorian context, its teachings are universal and its impact transcends borders. Listening to this podcast is an opportunity to grow, learn and challenge our own preconceptions. But why should you tune in to ‘Palabras Negras’? What are the benefits of listening to anti-racist podcasts?

Education and awareness of people of African descent, who are often ignored or minimized.

First of all, ‘Black Words’ is an invaluable source of education. It provides a detailed and contextualized analysis of racism and discrimination in Ecuadorian society, showing how these issues manifest themselves in everyday life. It also presents an alternative vision, based on the testimonies and experiences of Afro-descendant communities. This podcast goes beyond simply exposing racial issues by offering a unique and invaluable perspective that helps to understand the depth and complexity of these issues. Likewise, ‘Palabras Negras’ encourages dialogue and reflection on the forms of structural racism and the ways in which it can be dismantled.

Moving Forward: How “Palabras Negras” inspires positive change in Ecuador and beyond.

In a world where voices of African descent are often silenced, “Palabras Negras” stands as a beacon of hope and change. This podcast, born in Ecuador, has had a significant impact, both locally and internationally, in the fight against racism and discrimination.

Since its inception, “Palabras Negras” has cultivated a loyal and diverse audience, comprising both people of African descent and allies willing to learn and challenge their own prejudices. Audiences are drawn to the podcast’s unfettered honesty, its willingness to tackle difficult topics, and its commitment to anti-racist education.

Listen to the Palabras Negras Podcast on Spotify and You Tube.

Other Featured Episodes:

  1. Comedy and Racism, together or apart? Bryan Mina
    Bryan Steven Mina Preciado, a young Afro-descendant from the province of Esmeraldas, addresses topics ranging from Afro-Esmeraldean history to racism, all with a humorous and respectful touch towards black identity. Watch episode on Youtube
  2. Racism in the LGBTIQ+ Population: Andrea Alejandro Freire
    Andrea Alejandro Freire, a non-binary trans man of African descent, discusses the dignity of racialized bodies that whiteness has labeled as abject. See full episode here

The podcast “Palabras Negras” is an anti-racist space that gives voice to Afro-descendant experiences. The team behind this project includes Naomi Chalá, Stef Granada, Eli Mosquera, Mishell Mantuano and Génesis Anangonó, who work on the production, digital strategy, research and presentation of the episodes.