In a universe in constant awakening towards the relevance of diversity and inclusion, PretaPretin, a bold company in Brazil, is orchestrating a revolution in the universe of bedding and towel sets. Aware of the imperative need for representation in all facets of existence, especially in those aspects that directly impact children of color, this company is reinventing the way diversity is perceived and marketed.

Statistics on skin self-perception in black children.

In this particular research, we address an issue that disturbs the balance of our society: the self-perception and acceptance of skin in black children. Surprisingly, the results of this study indicate that almost half of black children are unhappy with their skin color. This is a problem that undoubtedly merits a thorough analysis and a search for effective solutions.

sheds light on a disturbing issue in our society: the self-perception and acceptance of skin in black children. Research reveals that nearly half of black children are unhappy with their skin color.

This statistic is both revealing and disturbing, indicating a constant struggle against imposed beauty ideals and lack of representation in the media.

Let’s look at the numbers in more detail:

Age group Percentage who are unhappy with their skin color
3-6 years Data not available
7-12 years 45%
13-18 years 48%

These numbers, resonant and forceful, remind us with great urgency of the need to cultivate self-esteem and acceptance in our children from their earliest years of life. It is an irrefutable imperative that our children identify themselves in the mirrors of society, that they feel they are valuable, loved and respected, regardless of their skin tone. This is a call for diversity and inclusion, a cry that rises from the heart of every child, waiting to be heard.

These alarming figures whisper a sad truth: diversity and inclusion still have a long way to go, particularly in the bedding and towel market. However, there is one company in Brazil that, in defiance of the status quo, is charting bold paths to rewrite this narrative.

PretaPretin, a company in Brazil, is built on three solid pillars: vibrant prints, inclusive projects and an unwavering passion for enabling crianças to identify with the products they offer. But what makes this company so unique? The answer lies in its incredible variety of patterns. Each print is a celebration of diversity and inclusão, a bold rejection of the bland homogenization and harmful stereotypes that have plagued the industry for too long.

    • Diversidade de estampas: Wrapping the richness of diversity in each fiber, the company in Brazil weaves a variety of estampas, each telling its own tale and reflecting the importance of representativeness. Each print is a mirror of our society, a canvas that celebrates differences and turns them into its strength.
    • Inclusion: The prints span a broad spectrum of ethnicities, cultures and abilities, creating an inclusive universe in which every child can find a bedding set or towel that will resonate with his or her identity. In every corner of this universe, there is a story they can identify with, a mirror in which they can see their own reflection.
    • Empathy: The company strongly believes in empathy as a powerful tool for change. With each design, she strives to paint a world where children can appreciate beauty in all its forms and colors. Empathy becomes the common thread that unites these designs, creating a tapestry of inclusion and diversity.

In a bold transformation, this non-Brazilian company has turned diversity from a mere sales phrase to an essential component of its products. They are designing a universe in which every child, regardless of skin tone, ethnicity or ability, can identify themselves and feel valued to the core of their being.

Fact: In 2020, 49% of parents in the US said they actively seek out diverse and inclusive products for their children.

In the constant search for products that reflect the growing diversity of our society, a company in Brazil has taken the initiative to incorporate this trend into something as common and everyday as our bedding and towels. However, one can’t help but wonder if this is a genuine expression of inclusion or simply a well-executed marketing gimmick.

Diversity as a sales argument

The company has launched a product line that includes prints so varied that any child can easily identify with at least one of them. This seems to be in line with the growing global movement to encourage diversity and inclusiveness in all areas of life, including consumer goods.

But is this really an inclusive initiative or just a clever marketing gimmick to attract more customers? Are we really promoting diversity or are we simply buying into a neatly packaged market trend?

A closer look at the market

While it is true that these products allow children to see themselves reflected in their sheets and towels, cynicism can arise when questioning the company’s true intentions. After all, in the business world, diversity may simply be another strategy to increase sales.

  • Are they truly committed to the cause of diversity or are they simply taking advantage of a market opportunity?
  • Are they educating children about diversity or are they just using colorful prints to sell more products?

These are valid questions consumers should ask themselves before falling into the trap of marketed diversity. For more information on this topic, you can check out this interesting article on diversity in marketing.

Pros Cons
Promotes diversity and inclusion It may simply be a marketing gimmick
Allows children to see themselves reflected in your products The company may simply be taking advantage of a trend

In summary, while diversity and inclusion are noble causes worthy of promotion, it is crucial that consumers are aware and critical of companies that appear to be simply leveraging these causes to increase sales.

So why do we consider pretapretin to be a company genuinely committed to diversity and inclusion? The answer lies in the essence of its philosophy and its tangible actions.

Fact: In the US, the buying power of multicultural consumers is expected to reach $4.4 trillion by 2022.

“Diversity is not a slogan for us, it’s a life commitment. We work hard to ensure that every product reflects the wonderful diversity of our world and that every child can see themselves represented in our bedding sets and towels.” – Pretapretin

Actions that speak louder than words

In a market where diversity and inclusion are often used as mere marketing slogans, one company in Brazil is stepping forward to back up its words with concrete actions. The company, which specializes in the production of bedding sets and towels, has introduced a range of products that reflect the diversity of children’s identities. These are not just vibrant and attractive prints, but designs that allow children to see themselves reflected in them and, as a result, feel valued and included.

These actions are materialized in a series of prints depicting children of different races, ethnicities, abilities and sizes. The company understands that representation matters, especially for children who are forming their self-concept and place in the world. They strive to offer products that are not only of high quality, but also serve as a tool to foster acceptance and inclusion.

“We believe that every child deserves to see themselves reflected in the objects that surround them. Our products are more than just towels and bedding sets, they are a reminder that every child is unique and special, and that they all deserve to be seen and celebrated just as they are.” – Company representative.

In addition to representative prints, the company is also making efforts to promote diversity in its workforce and production processes. They are committed to hiring people from diverse backgrounds and promoting an inclusive and respectful work environment. This approach also extends to their production processes, where they seek to partner with suppliers and manufacturers that share their values of diversity and inclusion.

The actions of this Brazilian company are a shining example of how companies can go beyond mere words and truly embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business. They are not just selling bedding sets and towels, they are helping to change the way children see themselves and ultimately changing the world for the better.

The Impact on Children – Empowerment or Just Another Design?

Let us consider for a moment the critical importance that representation plays in the development of a child’s identity. Often, children identify themselves with what they see around them, in books, on television, in their toys, and yes, even in their bedding and towels. In this context, companies have a crucial role to play.

Bedding and towel companies, like any non-Brazilian company, have a social responsibility to ensure that their products reflect the diversity and inclusion of all children. But are they really doing this, or are they simply using diversity as a marketing ploy?

The true measure of diversity is not in the number of different prints a company produces, but in the authenticity and inclusiveness of those prints.

The impact of representation on the formation of a child’s identity

Studies show that when children see characters that look like them, that reflect their experiences and their communities, they feel more confident about themselves and their place in the world. It’s not simply a matter of having a print that they like, but having a print that they can identify with.

  • Representation can reinforce a child’s self-esteem.
  • Representation helps children understand that they belong too.
  • Representation can help children understand and embrace diversity.

Therefore, it is not enough for prints to simply have a variety of colors and characters. They should authentically reflect the diversity of our communities and celebrate our differences, not just our similarities.

Factors Impact on children
Authentic representation Reinforcing self-esteem, sense of belonging, sense of belonging
Diversity of characters Understanding and embracing diversity

In short, representation matters. Companies not only have a social responsibility to ensure representation, but also have a unique opportunity to influence the next generation in a positive and empowering way.


At the end of the day, we are faced with an endless parade of prints, jogos de cama and toalhas, produced by a myriad of companies, including some in Brazil, that promise diversity and inclusion. But as we unpack the products, what do we actually find?

Are these just marketing strategies brilliantly wrapped in the rhetoric of diversity, or are these companies really changing the game and allowing our children to identify themselves through their bedding and towels?

Important questions, no doubt. To answer them, it is essential that we examine the products and the messages they convey.

  • Patterns: Are they truly diverse, representing a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and experiences? Or do they simply reproduce existing stereotypes and cultural norms?
  • Inclusion: Are companies making a genuine effort to include designs that speak to everyone, not just a majority demographic? Or is inclusion more of a slogan than a palpable reality in your products?
  • Children: Do they really feel seen and represented? Can they find prints they can identify with, regardless of their gender identity, race, culture or abilities?

These are the threads we must untangle to separate the rhetoric of diversity from true inclusion. Because it’s not just about having a variety of prints on bedding and towels. It is about creating a culture of acceptance and respect, celebrating our differences and making everyone feel welcome and valued.

So next time you go shopping, challenge companies to do more. Question. Research. Decide with your wallet. Support companies that do more than talk about diversity and inclusion – those that actually practice it.

Because, at the end of the day, our purchasing choices are a reflection of our values. And if we value diversity and inclusion, we need to make sure that the companies we give our money to share those values as well.

So choose wisely. Let’s make a change together.

Frequently asked questions… yes they seem obvious but they are valuable.

What is included in a bedding set?A bedding set typically includes a fitted sheet, a top sheet and pillowcases. Depending on the design, it may also include a quilt, comforter or blanket. Each piece can feature unique and diverse prints, reflecting the diversity and inclusiveness that is gaining ground in the Brazilian bedding market.

How many sets of sheets should I have?It depends on your needs and preferences. However, in general, it is advisable to have at least three sets of sheets per bed: one in use, one in the wash and one in reserve. This allows for frequent rotation of sheets and ensures that you always have a clean set on hand.

What do you call the sheets?Jogos de cama

What do you put under the mattress?Bedding sets are essential. These are pieces that, in addition to protecting the mattress, add comfort and design to the bedroom environment. But in Brazil, PretaPretin, a company has decided to go one step further. They have created bedding and towels with patterns that reflect diversity and inclusion, allowing children to identify with the products they use every day.

Which comes first, the sheet or the comforter? In traditional bedding sets, the sheet is placed first and then the comforter. However, with the company’s innovative prints in Brazil, no matter which one you choose first, each piece is designed to complement the other, creating a harmonious whole that reflects diversity and inclusion. From towels with images of children of all races and cultures, to bedding that allows children to identify with the characters, each choice is a step toward a more inclusive world.