Acto I: "La Raíz del Viche Afrocolombiano"
En las profundidades del Pacífico colombiano, Flavia Rentería Cuero, maestra vichera de ascendencia afrocolombiana, nos lleva de viaje en el tiempo. Nos cuenta cómo se molía el viche en un molino tradicional llamado trapiche matacuatros, y cómo las mujeres afrocolombianas, incluso con bebés a cuestas, mantenían viva la destilería.
Pero, ¡oh, sorpresa! La modernidad ha llegado, y el viche ahora necesita una licencia, un registro, y quizás incluso un título universitario.
Acto II: "La Ley del Viche - Un Sueño Mojado y Burocrático"
Hallelujah! Law 2158, known as the Viche Law, is approved. Afro-Colombian communities celebrate, but soon discover that the law is a Kafkaesque labyrinth of red tape and costs. Flavia, with her Afro-Colombian ancestral wisdom, asks, “Where is the ‘next’ button on this online form?”
Cali: La Tierra Prometida del Viche
While Afro-Colombian vichero teachers struggle with forms, Bogotá becomes the capital of viche. White-owned brands flourish, selling the idea of supporting Afro-Colombian producers, while the latter scratch their heads wondering where their share is.
Acto IV: "La Persecución y Apropiación - Un Déjà Vu Histórico Afrocolombiano
History repeats itself, and the persecution of the Afro-Colombian viche revives. Authorities seize products, ban sales, and Bogotá brands like Color Click continue to flourish. Nidia Góngora, the renowned Afro-Colombian singer, asks on Facebook: “Who is going to control this?” Good question, Nidia!
Acto V: "Don Be - Un Sueño Emprendedor en un Mar de Papel"
Epílogo: "El Viche - Una Comedia de blancos apropiadores
The history of the viche becomes a comedy of errors, where the law that was intended to benefit becomes an obstacle. Producers, processors and lovers of Afro-Colombian viche are left waiting for a solution, while the bureaucracy continues to spin in circles.
And so, dear readers, our tragicomedy concludes. Viche, that magical and ancestral Afro-Colombian drink, continues its struggle against modernity, bureaucracy and cultural appropriation.
Let’s toast to the viche, and someone please find the way through this paper maze!